Semester 1
UMA 101: Analysis and Linear Algebra I (4:0)
One-variable Calculus: Real and Complex numbers; Convergence of sequences and series; Continuity, intermediate value theorem, existence of maxima and minima; Differentiation, mean value theorem,Taylor series; Integration, fundamental theorem of Calculus, improper integrals. Linear Algebra: Vector spaces (over real and complex numbers), basis and dimension; Linear transformations and matrices.
Suggested books
1. Apostol, T. M., Calculus, Volume I, 2nd edition, Wiley, India, 2007.
2. Strang, G., Linear Algebra and its Applications, 4th Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2006.
UENG 101: Algorithms and Programming (3:1)
(Per week: Two lecture hours, one tutorial hour, 3 lab hours)
The emphasis of this course is on translating algorithms (either implicitly known or taught during the course as pseudocode) into both a high-level programming language (Python) and a systems-level high-performance programming language (C). This course is broadly divided into three parts.
Part 1: Introduction to Python
Implementation, testing and debugging of elementary algorithms in Python involving operators and expressions, basic data types (integers, floats, Booleans, strings, lists), variables (references vs. objects), assignments, conditionals, iteration, functions, recursion, and modules.
Part 2: Basic Algorithms and Data Structures
Implementation of iterative algorithms (linear and binary search, string matching, iterative sorting algorithms, etc.) and recursive algorithms (exponentiation, recursive sorting, etc.). Introduction to asymptotic analysis. Big O notation. Recursive relations. Arrays versus Linked lists. Improving running times of algorithms using appropriate data structures such as hash tables, binary search trees, heaps, etc. Simple graph algorithms (shortest path, minimal spanning tree).
Part 3: Introduction to C
Differences between C and Python with respect to syntax and semantics (basic data types: integers, C arrays vs. Python lists, and strings; passing arguments to functions). Pointers and managing dynamic memory in C. Comparing the runtime performance of Python and C implementations of algorithms.
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition, based on the book by Allan
Downy and Jeff Elkner
( - How to Solve it by Computer by R. G. Dromey, Pearson Education, 2007.
- Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language. Prentice Hall
of India, 2009.
Other Resources
- Introduction to Programming in Python by Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne, and Robert Dondero, 1st edition, 2015 (
- A Byte of Python by Swaroop C H (
- CPython implementation of binary heaps (
- Graphs and Graph Algorithms (
- An Introduction to Programming through C++ by Abhiram Ranade. McGraw Hill, 1st edition, 2017.
- C for Python Programmers (
UP 101: Introductory Physics I – Mechanics, oscillations and waves (2:0)
Kinematics, laws of motion. Circular motion, Work. Kinetic and potential energy. Line integrals. Conservative forces. Friction, terminal velocity in air. Systems of particles. Conservation of linear momentum. Scattering in one and two dimensions. Angular momentum. Moment of inertia. Rotation about one axis. Precession of gyroscope. Central force. Reduction of two-body problem to one-body problem and effective one-body potential. Planetary motion and Kepler’s laws. Simple pendulum, damped and forced, resonance. Coupled oscillators, normal modes. Small oscillations. Transverse waves on a string. Linear superposition, interference, beats. Fourier series. Sound waves in air. Doppler effect.
Suggested books:
1. Kittel C, Knight WD, Ruderman M A, Helmholz A C and Moyer B J, Mechanics, Berkeley Physics Course: Volume 1, 2nd Edition (2011)
2. Kleppner D and Kolenkow R J, An Introduction To Mechanics (Special Indian Edition) (2007)
UBL 101 and UBL 101L (3:1)
UBL 101: Introductory Biology- I (Organismal Biology and the Molecular Basis of Life) Introduction to the world of living organisms; levels of biological organisation; diversity of life on earth; history and evolution of life on earth; mechanisms of evolution; genetic basis of natural selection; measuring the rate of natural selection; organisms and their environment; adaptation; behaviour and ecology; biological species diversity; environmental degradation, conservation and management; the future of life on earth. Concepts of pH/pKa, structures of water, amino acids, peptides and proteins; chemistry of DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates; elementary enzymology and molecular biology; Introduction to various model organisms. Cell as a unit of living organisms, cellular organelles: Structure and function, organization of cytoskeleton and nuclei, ER-Golgi modifications, Vesicle-mediated protein transport, endocytosis and exocytosis, mitochondria and respiration.
UBL 101L Methods of describing, observing, counting and estimating the abundance, diversity and behaviour of living organisms. Light Microscopy, sample preparation and examination, identification of microorganisms, staining techniques, fluorescence microscopy to examine intracellular compartments, Cell fractionation and centrifugation methods, isolation of intracellular compartments by differential centrifugation techniques, nuclei, mitochondria, RER etc. Basics of cell culture methods: cell counting, culture media preparation. Titration of amino acids, estimations of reducing non-reducing sugars, proteins, DNA, RNA, lipids, paper chromatography /TLC, SDS-PAGE, isoelectric focusing, DNA melting curves.
Suggested books:
1. Carson, R. Silent Spring, Fawcett World Library, New York, 1967.
2. Dawkins, R. The Blind Watchmaker, Longman Scientific & Technical, England, 1986.
3. R. Gadagkar, Survival Strategies – Cooperation and Conflict in Animal Societies, Harvard University
Press and Universities Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA and Hyderabad, India, 1997, 1998.
4. D. Sadava, D. M. Hillis, H. Craig Heller, M. Berenbaum, Life, the science of biology, W. H. Freeman, 9th edition, 2009.
5. Wilson, E. O. The Future of Life, Alfred A. Knopf, 2002.
6. Wilson, E.O. Life on Earth. Freely available at:
7. H. Lodish, A. Berk, C. A. Kreiger, M. P. Scott, A. Bretscher, H. Ploegh, P. Matsudaira, Molecular cell biology, W.H. Freeman, 6 th edition, 2008.
8. J. E. Krebs, E. S. Goldstein & S. T. Kilpatrick, Lewin’s Genes X , Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 10th edition, 2011.
9. D. L. Nelson, M. M. Cox, Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, W.H.Freeman, 5th edition, 2009.
10. J. M. Berg, J. L. Tymoczko, L. Styrer, Biochemistry, W.H.Freeman & Co., 6 th edition, 2006. 11.D. Voet, J. G. Voet, Biochemistry, Wiley, 4 rd edition, 2010.
UCY 101 Physical Principles (3:1)
Bohr theory, Wave Particle Duality, Uncertainty principle, Schrödinger equation, H-atom and atomic orbitals, electron spin, Pauli principle and many electron atoms. Chemical bonding: covalent and ionic bonding, valance bond theory, hybridization and resonance; molecular orbital theory. Homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomics, potential energy curves and intermolecular interactions; elements of spectroscopy, van der Waals equation of state; theory of chemical reactions.
UH-101 Ways of Knowing (2:0):
Ethnographic methods, historical analysis, textual analysis, case study.
Texts and Readings
1. Clifford Geertz, “Thick Description” and “Notes on the Balinese Cockfight,”in The Interpretation of Cultures.
2. James Clifford, “On Ethnographic Authority.”
3. Kirin Narayan, “How Native is a ’Native Anthropologist’?.
4. Laura Nader, “Ethnography as Theory.”
5. RaymondWilliams, “Culture” and “Native,” in Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society Raymond Williams, “The Analysis of Culture”. In John Storey ed. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader.
6. E.H. Carr, What is History?
7. Giorgio Agamben, “What is the Contemporary?” in What is Apparatus? And Other Essays.
8. Shahid Amin. “Gandhi as Mahatma: Gorakhpur District, Eastern UP, 1921–22,” in Ranajit Guha, ed., Subaltern Studies III.
9. Lata Mani, “Contentious Traditions: The Debate on Sati in Colonial India,” in Kumkum Sangari and Sudesh Vaid, eds.,
10. Recasting Women: Essays in Colonial History.
11. Frigga Haug, “Memory-work as a Method of Social Science Research: A Detailed Rendering of Memory- Work Method,” in Memory Work – A Research Guide.
12. Joan Scott, “The Evidence of Experience.” Module 2: Film screening: 12 Monkeys (Terry Gilliam, 1995).
13. Excerpt from: James Jeans, “The Mysterious Universe”in G.H Hardy ed., The Oxford Book of Modern Science
14. Writing.Excerpt from: C.P Snow, Foreword to “ A Mathematician’s Apology” in G.H Hardy, The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing.
15. Jonathan Culler, “Language, Meaning and Interpretation” Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction (New York: Oxford University Press) 2000, pp 55 – 68.
16. Peter Childs & Roger Fowler, “Context”, “Intertextuality”, “Author”, “Reader” The Routledge Dictionary of Literary Terms; (New York: Taylor & Francis) 2006.
17. Tony Bennett & Lawrence Grossberg, “Text” New Keywords: A Revised Vocabulary of Culture and Society (Malden: Blackwell Publishing) 2005, pp. 345-347
18. Alan Mckee, “What is Textual Analysis”, Textual Analysis: A Beginner’s Guide (London: Sage Publications) 2003, pp 1-33
19. Roland Barthes, “From Work to Text” and “Death of the Author” in Image-Music-Text.
Humanities Lab: Writing workshop. Conducted by the course instructor, with inputs from visiting lecturers.
This workshop will expose students to modes of analytical writing, report writing, etc.
Semester 2:
UMA 102: Analysis and Linear Algebra II (4:0)
Linear Algebra continued: Inner products and Orthogonality; Determinants; Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors; Diagonalisation of symmetric matrices. Multivariable calculus: Functions on Rn, partial and total derivatives; Chain rule; Maxima, minima and saddles; Lagrange multipliers; Integration in Rn, change of variables, Fubini’s theorem; Gradient, Divergence and Curl; Line and Surface integrals in R2 and R3; Stokes, Green’s and Divergence theorems. Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations; Linear ODEs and Canonical forms for linear transformations.
Suggested books
1. Apostol, T. M., Calculus, Volume II, 2nd edition, Wiley, India, 2007.
2. Strang, G., Linear Algebra and its Applications, 4th Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2006.
3. Artin, M., Algebra, Prentice Hall of India.
4. Hirsch, M., Smale, S. and Devaney, R. L., Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos, 2nd edition, Academic Press, 2004.
UENG 102: Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Engineering (3:1):
Ohms law, KVL, KCL, Resistors and their characteristics, Categories of resistors, series parallel resistor networks.
Capacitors and their characteristics, Simple capacitor networks, Simple RC Circuit and differential equation analysis, Frequency domain analysis and concepts of transfer function, magnitude and phase response, poles. Inductors and their characteristics, a simple LR circuit and differential equation analysis, frequency domain transfer function and time constant, LRC circuit and second order differential equation, frequency domain analysis, resonance and Quality factor. Introduction to Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws, magnetic coupling and transformer action for step up and step down. Steady State AC analysis and introduction to phasor concept, lead and lag of phases in inductors and capacitors, Concept of single phase and three phase circuits. Semiconductor concepts, electrons & holes, PN junction concept, built-in potential, forward and reverse current equations, diode operation and rectification, Zener diodes, Simple Diode circuits like half wave rectifier and full-wave rectifier. NPN and PNP bipolar transistor action, current equations, common emitter amplifier design, biasing and theory of operation. MOSFET as a switch, introduction to PMOS and NMOS. Introduction to Opamp concept, Characterisitics of an ideal opamp a simple realisation of opamp using transistors, Various OPAMP based circuits for basic operations like summing, a mplification, integration and differentiation, Introduction to feedback concept
LAB: Design of 3 transistor opamp and its characterisation. Simple OPAMP applications using 741. MOSFET circuits for some simple gates, simple combinational functions. Basic flip-flop operation and clocks in digital design, Introduction to A/D conversion, Introduction to 8051 microcontroller and assembly language programming.
Suggested books:
1. Art of Electronics, Second Edition, by Horowitz and Hill.
UMC 102 Introduction to Computer Systems (3:0)
Computer programs as instructions and data; Instruction execution; Representation of data: signed integers, reals; Program execution: function call and return, memory layout, exceptions; Overview of system software; Memory hierarchy and locality; Operating System concepts: Process, Virtual memory, File; Concurrency and parallelism.
Suggested books:
1. Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, by Randal E. Bryant and David R. O’Hallaron, Pearson, 2015.
UMC 103: Discrete Mathematics (2:0)
Mathematical Logic: Propositional logic: connectives, tautologies, and contradictions, logical equivalences, normal forms and applications. Predicates and quantifiers, interpretation and validity, proving validity, rules of inference.
Sets, Functions and Relations: Sets and cardinality, relations, functions, partial orders, total orders, linear orders, equivalence relations, partitions, n-ary relations.
Induction and Recursion: Induction, strong induction, well-ordering principle, recursive definitions and structural induction.
Basic Counting Principles: Pigeon hole principle, permutations and combinations, Binomial coefficients and identities, elementary applications to discrete probability, recurrence relations and equations, generating function techniques, principles of inclusion and exclusion and its applications.
Graph Theory: Graphs and graph models, basic notions and operations, matchings, Hall’s marriage theorem, vertex and edge connectivity, Euler and Hamiltonian circuits, vertex coloring. Trees.
Suggested books:
- Kenneth H Rosen: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, McGraw Hill (2012).
- Winfield K Grassmann and Jean-Paul Tremblay: Logic and Discrete Mathematics: A Computer Science Perspective, Prentice-Hall (1996).
- M. Ben Ari: Mathematical Logic for Computer Science, 3rd edition, Springer (2012).
- Eric Lehman, F Thomson Leighton, Albert R Meyer: Mathematics for Computer Science, (Open Edition 2013).
UPH 102: Introductory Physics II – Electricity, Magnetism and Optics (3:1/3:0)
Introduction, Review of vector algebra, Vector calculus: gradient, divergence, curl, Gauss’s theorem and Stokes’ theorem, Laplacian etc. Coulomb’s law, electric field, Electrostatic potential, Uniqueness theorem, Conductors, capacitance, Method of images, Bound charges and dipole moment density, Energy stored in electric fields. Magnetostatics: Electric currents, Biot-savart law, Ampere’s law, magnetic fields of straight wires, circular loops and infinite solenoids, Vector potential, Magnetic dipole moment and bound currents.
Lorentz force and Faraday’s law, Inductance, Energy stored in a magnetic field. Linear dielectric and magnetic materials, Charge conservation, displacement current, Maxwell’s equations and gauge invariance, Classical wave equation and plane monochromatic waves, Energy of EM waves and Poynting’s theorem.
Suggested books:
1. Purcell E.M., Electricity and Magnetism, Berkeley Physics Course – Volume 2, 2nd edn (Tata McGraw Hill, 2011)
2. Griffiths D.J., Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd edn (Prentice-Hall of India, 2003)
UBL 102 and UBL 102L (3:1/3:0)
UBL 102: Introductory Biology- II (Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics) Introduction to the
microbial world and its diversity; importance of microbes in exploration of basic principles of biology; bacterial growth and its modulation by nutrient availability in the medium; structure and function of a bacterial cell; structure of cell wall; isolation of auxotrophs; life cycles of temperate and lytic bacteriophages, structure and function of extra-chromosomal elements and their applications in molecular microbiology. Molecular biology (central dogma, replication, transcription, genetic code and translation); examples of post-transcriptional and post-translational modifications; genetic methods of gene transfer in bacteria; Mendelian genetics (segregation and independent assortment); introduction to polytene and lampbrush chromosomes; sex determination and sex linkage in diploids; cytoplasmic inheritance; pedigrees, markers, mapping and genetic disorders; gene frequencies and Hardy-Weinberg principle, and introduction to various model organisms.
UBL 102L: Light microscopy, identification of microorganisms, staining techniques (Gram’s, acid fast), bacterial plating, tests for antibiotic resistance, M13 infection, plaque assay, preparation of bacterial competent cells, transformation, transduction, conjugation, _-galactosidase assay, Drosophila crosses using red eye and white eye mutants, observation of Barr body in buccal mucosa cells, preparation of mitotic/polytene chromosomes from Drosophila larvae, and karyotyping using human metaphase plate photos.
Suggested books:
1. J. M. Berg, J. L. Tymoczko, L. Styrer, Biochemistry, W. H. Freeman & Co., 6 th edition, 2006.
2. R. Y. Stanier, E. A. Adelberg, J. L. Ingraham, General Microbiology, MacMillan Press, 5 th edition, 2007.
3. M.W. Strickberger, Genetics, Prentice-Hall, India, 3 rd edition, 2008.
4. Daniel Hartl, Essential Genetics: A genomics perspective, Jones & Bartlett 3rd edition, 2002 5. T. Strachan, A.P. Read, Human Molecular Genetics, Garland Science, 3 rd edition, 2004.
UCY 102 Basic Inorganic Chemistry (3:1/3:0):
Multi-electron atoms – periodic trends; chemical bonding: ionic solids, CFT: d-orbital splitting, tetrahedral, square planar, cubic and octahedral crystal fields, covalent bonding; Lewis model (2 Dim); VSEPR (3 Dim) hybridization; molecular orbital theory: heteronuclear diatomics, triatomics; shapes of main group compounds; acid-base chemistry: concepts, measures of acid-base strength, HSAB.
UH 102: Ways of Seeing (2:0)
This course introduces students to a) the ways in which cultural forms and genres represent the world around us and b) how we see and understand the world as refracted by these forms. There will be three modules. In short, this is a course about seeing and interpreting the forms that show us the world. Each module discusses a particular cultural form and also focuses on one theme.
Theory texts used by instructor:
1. Roland Barthes, Image-Music-Text and Raymond Williams.
2. John Berger, Ways of Seeing.
3. Ashish Rajadhyaksha, “Phalke Era: The Conflict of Traditional Form and Modern Technology”
4. Walter Benjamin, Selections from The Arcades Project.
Semester 3:
UMA 201: Probability and Statistics (4:0)
Basic notions of probability, conditional probability and independence, Bayes’ theorem, random variables and distributions, expectation and variance, conditional expectation, moment generating functions, limit theorems.
Samples and sampling distributions, estimations of parameters, testing of hypotheses, regression, correlation and analysis of variance.
Suggested books
1. Ross, S., Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Academic Press; 4th ed. (2009), .
2. Freedman, Pisani and Purves, Statistics, Viva Books; 4th ed. (2011).
3. Feller, W., An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications – Vol. 1, Wiley; 3rd ed. (2008).
4. Ross, S., A First Course in Probability, Pearson Education; 9th ed. (2013).
5. Athreya, S., Sarkar, D. and Tanner, S., Probability and Statistics (with Examples using R), Unfinished book.
Suggested books:
1. Sheldon Ross, A First Course in Probability, 2005, Pearson Education Inc., Delhi, Sixth Edition.
2. Sheldon Ross, Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Elsevier, 2010, Fourth edition.
3. William Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Wiley India, 2009, Third edition.
4. R. V. Hogg and J. Ledolter, Engineering Statistics, 1987, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
UMC 201 Data Structures and Algorithms (3:1)
Review of Basic Data Structures – Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues. Asymptotic complexity functions. Standard Data Structures – Heaps, Balanced Search Trees. Algorithmic Paradigms – Divide and Conquer, Greedy, Dynamic Programming. Graph Algorithms – Traversals, Shortest Paths, Minimum Spanning Trees. Advanced Data Structures – Union Find, Hashing. Amortized analysis, Splay trees, Fibonacci trees.
- Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein, Fourth edition, 2022 (MIT Press).
- Algorithm Design by Kleinberg and Tardos, 2006 (Pearson).
- Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C by Mark Allen Weiss, Second edition, 1997 (Pearson).
UMC 202 Introduction to Numerical Methods (3:1)
Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations, Iterative algorithms, Convergence, Newton Raphson procedure, Solutions of polynomial and simultaneous linear equations, Gauss method, Relaxation procedure, Error estimates, Numerical integration, Euler-Maclaurin formula. Newton-Cotes formulae, Error estimates, Gaussian quadratures, Extensions to multiple integrals.
Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations: Methods of Euler, Adams, Runge-Kutta and predictor – corrector procedures, Stability of solution. Solution of stiff equations.
Solution of boundary value problems: Shooting method with least square convergence criterion, Galerkin Method (Finite Element) Solution of partial differential equations: Finite-difference techniques, Stability and convergence of the solution, Finite element methods.
1. Richard L. Burden and J. Douglas Faires, Numerical Analysis: Theory and Applications, India Edition, Cengage Brooks-Cole Publishers, 2010.
2. Press, W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T., and Flannery, B.P., Numerical Recipes in C/FORTRAN, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1994.
3. Borse, G.J., Numerical Methods with MATLAB: A Resource for Scientists and Engineers, PWS Publishing Co., Boston, 1997.
4. Conte, S. D. and Carl de Boor., Elementary Numerical Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1980.
5. Hildebrand, F. B., Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1988.
6. Froberg, C. E., Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Wiley, 1965.
UPH 201: Introductory Physics Ill – Thermal and Modern Physics (3:1/3:0)
Temperature, The First Law of Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory of Gases and Maxwell -Boltzmann Statistics, Heat Engines, Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Relativity, Introduction to Quantum Physics, Basics of Quantum Mechanics, Atomic , Molecular and Solid state Physics, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics and Cosmology.
Suggested books:
1. Serway and Jewitt, Physics for Scientists and Engineers (7th Edition)
2. Young and Friedman, University Physics (12th Edition)
3. Halliday, Resnick and Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, Extended (8th Edition)
4. Harris Benson , University Physics, Revised Edition
5. Kenneth Krane, Modern Physics, Second Edition
UBL 201 and UBL 201L (3:1/3:0)
UBL 201: Introductory Biology-III (Cell Biology, Immunology and Neurobiology)
Eukaryotic cells and organelles, cell membranes and cell function. Introduction to animal viruses with examples, life cycle and host-virus interactions. Introduction to the immune system – the players and mechanisms, innate immunity, adaptive responses, B cell receptor and immunoglobulins, T cell activation and differentiation and Major Histocompatibility Complex encoded molecules. Overview of the nervous system (from neuron to brain), ionic basis of resting membrane potential and action potentials, neurotransmitters, neuromodulators and second messengers, motor systems, neural basis of cognition: attention, and language and disorders of the brain.
UBL 201L: Animal cell culture and microscopy, Immune organs and isolation of cells from lymph node, spleen and thymus. Lymphocyte and macrophage activation studies, nitrite detection, ELISA and cell cycle analysis.
Gross anatomy of the human brain; staining of mouse brain sections; generation of action-potential; psychophysical and cognitive neurobiology experiments.
Suggested books:
1. Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Chris A. Kaiser, Monty Krieger, Matthew P. Scott, Anthony Bretscher, Hidde Ploegh, Paul Matsudaira, Molecular Cell Biology, W. H. Freeman; 6th edition, 2007.
2. Bruce Alberts, Molecular Biology of the Cell, Garland Science, 5 th edition, 2008
3. T. Kindt, R. Goldsby, B. A. Osborne, Kuby Immunology, W. H. Freeman, 6 th edition, 2006.
4. David M. Knipe, Peter Howley, Fields Virology, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 6 th edition, 2013.
5. M. Bear, B. Connors, M. Paradiso, Neuroscience: exploring the brain, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 3rd edition, 2006.
UCY 201 Basic Organic Chemistry (3:1/3:0):
Nomenclature of organic compounds: alkanes, alkenes and alkynes; structure and reactivity. Concept of aromaticity; organic reactions – Addition reactions; Elimination reactions; substitution reactions and rearrangements.
Organic reaction mechanisms; reaction intermediates and their characterization. Introduction to stereochemistry.
UES 200:
Introduction to Earth and its Environment Evolution of earth as habitable planet; evolution of continents, oceans and landforms; evolution of life through geological times. Exploring the earth’s interior; thermal and chemical structure; origin of gravitational and magnetic fields. Plate tectonics; how it works and shapes the earth. Internal Geosystems; earthquakes; volcanoes; climatic excursions through time. Basic Geological processes; igneous, sedimentation and metamorphic processes. Geology of groundwater occurrence. Groundwater occurrence and recharge process, Groundwater movement, Groundwater discharge and catchment hydrology, Groundwater as a resource, Natural groundwater quality and contamination, Modeling and managing groundwater systems. Engineering and sustainable development; population and urbanization, toxic chemicals and finite resources, water scarcity and conflict. Environmental risk; risk assessment and characterization, hazard assessment, exposure assessment. Water chemistry; chemistry in aqueous media, environmental chemistry of some important elements. Air resources engineering; introduction to atmospheric composition and behavior, atmospheric photochemistry. Solid waste management; Solids waste characterization, management concepts.
Suggested books:
1. John Grotzinger and Thomas H. Jordan (2010) Understanding Earth, Sixth Edition, W. H. Freeman, 672pp
2. Younger, P L (2007) Groundwater in the environment: An introduction, Blackwell Publishing, 317pp
3. Mihelcic, J. R., Zimmerman, J. B. (2010) Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability & Design, Wiley, NJ, 695 pp.
UMT 200: Introduction to Materials Science (2:0)
Bonding, types of materials, basics of crystal structures and crystallography. Thermodynamics, thermochemistry, unary systems, methods of structural characterization. Thermodynamics of solid solutions, phase diagrams, defects, diffusion. Solidification. Solid-solid phase transformations. Mechanical behaviour: elasticity, plasticity, fracture. Electrochemistry and corrosion. Band structure, electrical, magnetic and optical materials.
Classes of practical materials systems: metallic alloys, ceramics, semiconductors, composites.
Suggested books:
1. W.D. Callister: Materials Science and Engineering, Wiley India (2007)
UH 201: Ways of Doing: Mapping Science-Society Relationship (2:1)
The Digital Subject, Brain-Mind divide, people and nature, sustainable development.
1. Balibar, Etienne. “Citizen-Subject.” Who Comes After the Subject. Eds Eduardo Cadava, Peter Connor and Jean-Luc Nancy. New York: Routledge, 1991. Print.
2. Chatterjee, Partha. “Beyond the Nation, orWithin?” EPW 32.1/2. JSTOR.
3. “Populations and Political Society.” The Politics of the Governed: Reflections on Popular Politics in Most of the World. New York: CUP, 2004. Print.
4. Clark, Andy. “Introduction.” Natural Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence. Oxford: OUP, 2003. Print
5. David, Anat-Ben. “Digital Natives and the Return of the Local Cause.” Digital AlterNatives with a Cause?. Ed. Nishant Shah and Fieke Jensen. Bangalore: CIS, 2011.
6. Haraway, Donna. “A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century.” Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. New York: Routledge, 1991. Print.
7. Rajadhyaksha, Ashish. “Chapter One: Naming the Problem: Or, Thinking Like the State.” The Last Cultural Mile: An Inquiry into Technology and Governance in India. CIS.
8. “Digital Delivery of Services: The Indian Landscape.” IN The Wake of Aadhaar: The Digital Ecosystem of Governance in India. Bangalore: CSCS, 2013. E-book.
9. Shah, Nishant. “Subject to Technology: Internet Pornography, Cyber-Terrorism and the Indian State.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 8.3 (349-366).
10. Miller, G. A. (2003). The cognitive revolution: a historical perspective. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Vol.7, No.3, March 2003.
11. Ramachandran, V. S. (2011). The tell-tale brain. New York: W. W. Norton. Chapters: Introduction – No Mere Ape Chapter 1 – Phantom Limbs and Plastic Brains Chapter 4 – The Neurons that Shaped Civilization Chapter 7 – Beauty and the Brain: The Emergence of Aesthetics
12. Freud, S. (1925). A Note upon the “Mystic Writing Pad”.
13. Turnbull, O. and Solms, M. (2003). The Brain and the InnerWorld: An Introduction to the Neuroscience of Subjective Experience. New York: Other Press Book. Chapter 6 – Dreams and Hallucinations
14. Alfred W. Crosby, Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900- 1900, Cambridge University Press, 2004
15. Clive Ponting, A New Green History of the World: The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations, Penguin Books, rev.ed. 2007
16. Gilbert F. LaFreniere, The Decline of Nature: Environmental History and the Western Worldview, Paper Back ed. Oak Savanna Publishing, Corvallis, Oregon, 2012
17. Donella H. Meadows, Jorgen Randers, Dennis L. Meadows, The Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update, Chelsea Green Pub., Vermont, 2004
18. Emilio F. Moran, People and Nature: An Introduction to Human Ecological Relations, Wiley-Blackwell, 2006
Lab Work: Writing workshop and/or presenting case studies of Technologies and sustainable development (as in Semester 1, but at a more advanced level).
Semester 4:
UM 204: Introduction to Basic Analysis (3:1)
Basic notions from set theory, countable and uncountable sets. Metric spaces: definition and examples, basic topological notions. The topology of Rn: topology induced by norms, the Heine-Borel theorem, connected sets. Sequences and series: essential definitions, absolute versus conditional convergence of series, some tests of convergence of series. Continuous functions: properties, the sequential and the open- set characterizations of continuity, uniform continuity. Differentiation in one variable. The Riemann integral: formal definitions and properties, continuous functions and integration, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Uniform convergence: definition, motivations and examples, uniform convergence and integration, the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem.
Suggested books
1. Tao, T. 2014., Analysis I, 3rd edition, Texts and Readings in Mathematics, vol. 37, Hindustan Book Agency.
2. Tao, T. 2014., Analysis II, 3rd edition, Texts and Readings in Mathematics, vol. 38, Hindustan Book Agency.
3. Apostol, T. M., Mathematical Analysis, 2nd edition, Narosa.
UM 205: Introduction to Algebraic Structures (3:1)
Set theory: equivalence classes, partitions, posets, axiom of choice/Zorn’s lemma, countable and uncountable sets. Combinatorics: induction, pigeonhole principle, inclusion-exclusion, Möbius inversion formula, recurrence relations. Number theory: Divisibility and Euclids algorithm, Pythagorean triples, solving cubics, Infinitude of primes, arithmetic functions, Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, Congruences, Fermat’s little theorem and Euler’s theorem, ring of integers modulo n, factorisation of polynomials, algebraic and transcendental numbers. Graph theory: Basic definitions, trees, Eulerian tours, matchings, matrices associated to graphs. Algebra: groups, permutations, group actions, Cayley’s theorem, dihedral groups, introduction to rings and fields.
Suggested books
1. L. Childs, A Concrete Introduction to Higher Algebra, 3rd edition, Springer-Verlag.
2. M. A. Armstrong, Groups and Symmetry, Springer-Verlag.
3. Miklos Bona, A Walk Through Combinatorics: An Introduction to Enumeration and Graph Theory, World Scientific.
4. D. M. Burton., Elementary Number Theory, McGraw Hill.
5. Niven, Zuckerman, H. S. and Montgomery, H. L., An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, 5th edition, Wiley Student Editions.
6. Fraleigh, G., A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7th edition, Pearson.
UMC 203: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (3:1)
Overview: Machine Learning paradigms; supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning. Supervised Learning : Bayes classifier, optimality; risk minimization; Generalisation error estimation. Perceptron, logistic regression, least squares, regularization, Kernel methods; SVMs, multilayer Perceptrons, CNNs, and other neural network models. Classifier ensembles, Adaboost algorithm. Unsupervised Learning: Generative models, parameter estimation – Maximum likelihood, Bayesian Methods; latent variables and EM algorithm; graphical models, deep generative models, Principal component Analysis, Independent Component Analysis.
Reinforcement Learning and Markov Decision Processes.
1. C.M.Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
2. S Shalev-Shwartz and S. Ben-David, Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms, Cambridge University Press, 2014.
3. Kevin Murphy, Machine learning: A probabilistic perspective, 2012
4. T.Hastie, R.Tibshirani and J.Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference and Prediction’, Springer, 2009.
5. A.Zhang, Z.C.Lipton, M.Li, A.J.Smola, Dive into Deep Learning, 2019 (free PDF available)
6. I.Goodfellow, Y.Bengio and A. Courville, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016
UMC 205: Automata Theory and Computability (3:1)
Finite-state automata: deterministic finite-state automata, pumping lemma, non-deterministc automata, regular expressions, Myhill-Nerode theorem, and ultimate periodicity. Pushdown automata and context-free languages: context-free grammars, Chomsky normal form, pumping lemma for CFLs, Parikh’s semilinearity theorem, non-deterministic pushdown automata, equivalence of context-free grammars and pushdown automata, pushdown systems and reachability, and complementing deterministic PDA’s. Turing machines and undecidability: deterministic Turing machines, notion of computable functions using Turing machines, recursive and recursively enumerable languages, halting problem, reductions, Rice’s theorems, undecidable problems related to context-free languages, and Godel’s Incompleteness theorem.
- Dexter Kozen: Automata and Computability. Springer, 1999.
- Hopcroft J.E. and Ullman J.D.: Introduction to Automata, Languages and Computation. Addison Wesley, 1979.
UMC 301 Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (3:1)
Data Science Fundamentals: Identifying and framing a data science problem in different fields; Different types of Analytics; Introduction to Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence; Is ML/AI the right tool for your problem?; Stakeholder Discussion Guidelines; End-to-end Problem Solving through a 6-Step Data Science Process. Model selection for different data types. Assess the effectiveness of AI/ML models using A/B testing.
Exploratory Data Analysis: Visualizing data. Framing questions from data. Analyzing statistical relationships via Hypothesis Testing. How much data is sufficient data? Pre-processing of data: Data Distributions, Imputation, Outlier handling.
Deep Learning for AI: A unified view of data-driven neural models for AI – From Linear Regression to Neural Networks, Basics of Stochastic Gradient Descent and Backpropagation, Hyperparameter Tuning, Different types of Layers, Neural models as data-processing pipelines.
Natural Language Processing: Natural Language Processing with Bag of Words and Sequence Transformer Models. BERT-class models for Natural Language Understanding tasks; GPT-class models for Natural Language Generation Tasks. LLMOps – Taking an NLP problem from scratch to production.
Lab/Hands-On: Weekly lab to be completed with programming assignments
Textbooks / References
- Aurélien Géron. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 3rd Edition, O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2022
- F. Chollet. Deep Learning with Python. 2nd Edition. Manning 2021
- Raschka, Sebastian, Yuxi Hayden Liu, Vahid Mirjalili, and Dmytro Dzhulgakov. Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn: Develop machine learning and deep learning models with Python. Packt Publishing Ltd, 2022.
- Lakshmanan, Valliappa, Martin Görner, and Ryan Gillard. Practical machine learning for computer vision. ” O’Reilly Media, Inc.”, 2021.
- Tunstall, Lewis, Leandro Von Werra, and Thomas Wolf. Natural language processing with transformers. ” O’Reilly Media, Inc.”, 2022.
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of mathematics (matrix-vector multiplication, calculus of single variable), python (data I/O, environment, lists, loops, conditionals) at the level of 12th class CBSE syllabus
UH 203 Mapping India Through Folk Arts (1:0)
The objective of this course is to understand the seven regions of India—North, West, East South, Central, North-East and the Islands a little better—through their folk arts. The course considers the art forms, as viewed in the discipline of Folkloristics, as means of knowing the regional cultures from “inside-out rather than outsidein”.
The aim of this seminar course is to provide the students a broad idea of India as a “nation”, its diverse regional specificities and the relevance of the folk arts in understanding the “national” and the “regional”.
The students will get an opportunity to interact with folk artists and gain first-hand knowledge about various aspects of the folk arts to understand the synergy between artistic worldview and the contemporary social milieu. The course will be useful in recognizing how meaning is produced and expressed in folk domain and at the same time, aid the students to gain cognizance of Indian multiculturalism.
1. Dundes, Alan. Essays in Folkloristics. University of Michigan. 1978.
2. Pattanayak, D.P, Claus, Peter and Handoo, Jawahar lal. Indian Folklore. Volume II. Mysore. Central Institute of Indian Languages. 1981.
3. Pattanayak, D.P and Claus, Peter. Indian Folklore. Volume I. Mysore. Central Institute of Indian Languages. 1981.
4. Dundes, Alan. Interpreting Folklore. Indiana University. 1980.
5. Bronner, Simon J. The Meaning of Folklore: Analytical Essays of Alan Dundes. Logan, Utah. Utah State University Press. 2007.
6. Dorson, M Richard. Folklore and Folklife. Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 1972.
7. Dorson, M Richard. Folklore in the Modern World. Mouton Publishers. 1978.
8. Alexander Haggerty Krappe. Science of Folklore. Kessinger Publishing. 1930.
9. Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Community Reflection On The Origin And The Spread Of Nationalism. New York. Verso. 1991
10. Bhabha, Homi. K (ed.). Nation and Narration. New York. Routledge. 1990.
11. Handoo, Jawahar lal. Folklore an Introduction. Mysore. Central Institute of Indian Languages. 1989.
Semester 5
UH 301 Journalism for Scientists (1:0)
The Course will be useful in acquainting students with journalistic skills which they may apply in their own work to observe and communicate better for instance or to their field as future science reporters, perhaps or as individuals who might have to explain science to the lay person. It also seeks to provoke thought on the practice of journalism, its tenets, its limitations and its influence with a view to encouraging a more critical engagement with media but also to position science within the media.
1. Sainath, P. “The Trickle Up Down Theory; Or, health for the millions.” In Everybody Loves a Good Drought, (New Delhi: Penguin Books), 2000, pp.23-27.
2. Verghese, B G. “The Making of a Marwari Tamil”. In Warrior of the fourth estate : Ramnath Goenka of the Express, (New Delhi : Viking), 2005, pp.24-30.
3. Morris, James. “The Conquest of Everest, 29 May 1953”. In John Carey. The Faber Book of Reportage,
(Faber & Faber), 1996, pp.660-662.
4. Wenner, Jann. “Bruce Springsteen”. In Jann Wenner & Joe Levy. The Rolling Stone Interviews (New York : Back Bay Books), 2008, pp.13-19.
5. Wolfe, Tom. “Selections”. In The new journalism, (E W Johnson; Picador), 1990, pp.40- 42.
6. Mehta, Vinod. “Introduction”. In Lucknow boy : a memoir, (New Delhi : Penguin Viking), 2011, pp.viixxi.
7. Hype, Hypocrisy & Television in Urban India (Vikas, New Delhi 1997) by Amrita Shah
8. Vikram Sarabhai-A Life (Viking-Penguin, 2007) by Amrita Shah
Semester 6
UH 302 Introduction to Governance (1:0)
The Semester long program on Introduction to Governance is to enable the participants to develop an appreciation of key issues and challenges to governance in India while gaining an insight into how the Government of India works and relates to the people. The Semester- long program will be largely interactive and to facilitate this (i) Select reading material will be given ahead of each session (a) additionally a selection of books will be available for consultation in the library of the Centre for Contemporary Studies –IISc. Some if not all of the sessions are expected to be supplemented by experts drawn from the top echelons of public administration, the judiciary and politics. Evaluation is based on group projects and individual assignments emerging from each covering a range of contemporary issues that engage us as concerned citizens of our country.
1. The Economic and Political Weekly
2. The Economist
3. The Hindu
Extracts from books:
4. Ivan Illich’s De-schooling Society, Small is beautiful by E.F.Schumacher
5. Everyone love a good Drought by P.Sainath
6. Lords f Poverty Graham Hancock
7. An Eye to India by David Selbourne
8. The essential writings of Mahatma Gandhi edited by Judith M Brown
9. The Judgement- the inside story of the Emergency in India by Kuldip Nayar,
10. India Unbound by Gurucharan Das 11. Patrick French’s India A Portrait